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Would You Rather Be Led or Managed?

According to Gary Keller, it’s possible to manage things and lead people, but managing people effectively is rare, and leading things is impossible. While many leadership roles include the title of “manager,” the act of “managing” others often falls short in producing desired results. The simple task of shifting our focus from managing to leading can lead to more effective guidance of our team toward success.

The words we use to describe workplace organization and management are more than just semantics; they shape our thoughts and actions. Managing implies exerting control and authority, while leadership involves creating internal change that leads to external results. While managing may seem easier, leaders can make a greater impact by changing their mindset and becoming the leaders their teams need.

Ask Yourself: Would You Rather Be Managed or Led?

By examining synonyms for “managed” and “led,” leaders can redefine their roles and foster better relationships with their teams. Would you rather be supervised or counselled? Dictated or advised? Changing your mindset from managing to leading is the first step in becoming a better leader.

Effective leaders acknowledge that other team members often excel in areas where they don’t. Delegating tasks to others who have expertise in specific areas fosters teamwork and leverages the strengths of each team member. Leaders should also expect to share the “why” behind business decisions, and respect the ideas and input of all team members. This creates an environment where everyone can grow and succeed together.

Change Yourself, Not Others

Leaders who influence their team members to make good choices, guide them to success, and offer counsel when needed are more effective than those who try to control people and outcomes. As organizations and individuals evolve, leaders must also be willing to change their own behaviour and adapt as necessary. Instead of trying to change others, leaders should focus on changing themselves and modelling the behaviour they want to see in others.

Live in Harmony

While managing projects may require some level of control, leading people is essential for achieving success. When leaders focus on guiding and influencing their team members, managing projects becomes easier. By sharing responsibility, teaching self-leadership and accountability, and fostering open communication, leaders can create a climate where everyone can thrive and work together toward a common goal.

Until next time…

Live your Purposeful Life

Andre Chin