Partner Stories

Being a part of ICON has been incredible! The constant support and encouragement not only business wise but personally as well is something that I’ve been thankful for. Having an entire team of marketing, client care and overall behind the scenes operations has been so helpful in making sure that every single client is well taken care of and nothing falls through the cracks. Being surrounded by some of the industry’s leading experts has helped push me farther than I ever thought I would be! The saying “you are who you surround yourself with” really is lived out on this team.

Autumn Tarasko – Compass Real Estate Advisors

Being on my real estate journey with ICON has been amazing. Starting a new career can be hard but with this team the transition has been effortless. I have never felt so comfortable or supported anywhere in my working career.

This team shows up for one another in every way.

Constantly pushing one another to be the best they can and catching and encouraging when we fall. Being part of a team like this has allowed my business and personal development to reach levels I only dreamed about. This team is focused on growth and always striving to be the best we can be and this is evident in all of our relationships.

Nina Sran – Compass Real Estate Advisors

I have been part of the ICON organization for nearly 4 years now. I began my journey with them as a new agent in the business for one of their expansion teams. I have always been able to rely on the organization for a multitude of things to help me grow as a person and as a business owner, including training, goal setting, accountability to my business and leverage for the parts of my business I always found challenging to do one my own. As I grew as an agent my goals began to become larger as where I seen my business. As of the beginning of this year with ICONS guidance and support I began my own team as one of their expansions.

I am very grateful that I get to surround myself with hard working, dedicated group of people looking to not only meet our clients expectations, but exceed them. The organization in 4 short years have pushed me past my comfort zone and dream bigger for myself everyday!

Heather Atkinson – Team Owner, Atkinson & Associates

Mary Levi Realtor, Realty 123

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Mark Wallace Realtor, Luxe Realty

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.”

Virginia Kelly Realtor, BigHouse Realty Group

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna.”